Revolutionising industries across the world

Create and build the future of your production processes with Precious Metal AM.


Precious Metal AM and Manufacturing go hand in hand, with the ability to produce tools, prototypes and complicated assemblies faster than traditional manufacturing where large industries such as automotive, aerospace and even defence, adopting this new technology.

With infinite design possibilities to evolve what already exists or create the next innovation within your industry. Create complex geometries that mimic nature to maximise output and reduce costs of producing your key components.

Create, innovate and iterate with no limits. Customised parts designed for its final use, made when needed – constantly evolving with testing and use, making your production lean and efficient.


Dentistry is a field of high customisation, with precise fitting needed and Precious Metals have long been an integral part of tools and fitments. AM offers the ability to create high resolution, one-of-a-kind pieces and tools, designed specifically for the patient.

It’s possible to create batches of entirely customised dentures, crowns and tools for different patients, boosting efficiency and reducing the time to produce parts. This can benefit patients and dentists alike, reducing appointment times for longer-term treatment.


Additive Manufacturing for the medical industry could become standard. With customisable tools and implants made to measure for each patient and their needs. Rapidly improve existing tools and designs and make use of the special properties of precious metals.

We offer bespoke projects for medical applications including material development, tooling and implants to suit your needs.

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Your Industrial Solution

To find out more how Precious Metal AM could revolutionise your industry get in touch.



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